
358 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Mikhail Klementev. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a AGPLv3 license
// (or later) that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
kingpin "gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2"
func findFallback(kcfg config.KernelConfig, ki config.KernelInfo) (rootfs string) {
for _, k := range kcfg.Kernels {
if !exists(k.RootFS) || k.DistroType != ki.DistroType {
if k.RootFS < ki.RootFS {
rootfs = k.RootFS
func handleFallbacks(kcfg config.KernelConfig) {
for i, k := range kcfg.Kernels {
if !exists(k.RootFS) {
newRootFS := findFallback(kcfg, k)
s := k.RootFS + " does not exists "
if newRootFS != "" {
s += "(fallback to " + newRootFS + ")"
} else {
s += "(no fallback found)"
kcfg.Kernels[i].RootFS = newRootFS
func checkRequiredUtils() (err error) {
// Check for required commands
for _, cmd := range []string{"docker", "qemu-system-x86_64"} {
_, err := exec.Command("which", cmd).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Command not found: %s", cmd)
func checkDockerPermissions() (err error) {
output, err := exec.Command("docker", "ps").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s", output)
func main() {
app := kingpin.New(
"kernel {module, exploit} development tool",
app.Author("Mikhail Klementev <root@dumpstack.io>")
pathFlag := app.Flag("path", "Path to work directory")
path := pathFlag.Default(".").ExistingDir()
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
os.MkdirAll(usr.HomeDir+"/.out-of-tree", os.ModePerm)
confPath := usr.HomeDir + "/.out-of-tree/out-of-tree.toml"
conf, err := config.ReadOutOfTreeConf(confPath)
if err != nil {
kcfgPathFlag := app.Flag("kernels", "Path to main kernels config")
kcfgPath := kcfgPathFlag.Default(conf.Kernels).String()
dbPathFlag := app.Flag("db", "Path to database")
dbPath := dbPathFlag.Default(conf.Database).String()
userKcfgPathFlag := app.Flag("user-kernels", "User kernels config")
userKcfgPathEnv := userKcfgPathFlag.Envar("OUT_OF_TREE_KCFG")
userKcfgPath := userKcfgPathEnv.Default(conf.UserKernels).String()
timeoutFlag := app.Flag("timeout", "Timeout after tool will not spawn new tests")
timeout := timeoutFlag.Duration()
qemuTimeoutFlag := app.Flag("qemu-timeout", "Timeout for qemu")
qemuTimeout := qemuTimeoutFlag.Default(conf.Qemu.Timeout).Duration()
dockerTimeoutFlag := app.Flag("docker-timeout", "Timeout for docker")
dockerTimeout := dockerTimeoutFlag.Default(conf.Docker.Timeout).Duration()
dockerRegistryFlag := app.Flag("docker-registry", "Registry for docker")
dockerRegistry := dockerRegistryFlag.Default(conf.Docker.Registry).String()
thresholdFlag := app.Flag("threshold", "Reliablity threshold for exit code")
threshold := thresholdFlag.Default("1.00").Float64()
pewCommand := app.Command("pew", "Build, run and test module/exploit")
pewMax := pewCommand.Flag("max", "Test no more than X kernels").
pewRuns := pewCommand.Flag("runs", "Runs per each kernel").
pewKernelFlag := pewCommand.Flag("kernel", "Override kernel regex")
pewKernel := pewKernelFlag.String()
pewGuessFlag := pewCommand.Flag("guess", "Try all defined kernels")
pewGuess := pewGuessFlag.Bool()
pewBinaryFlag := pewCommand.Flag("binary", "Use binary, do not build")
pewBinary := pewBinaryFlag.String()
pewTestFlag := pewCommand.Flag("test", "Override path test")
pewTest := pewTestFlag.String()
pewDistFlag := pewCommand.Flag("dist", "Build result path")
pewDist := pewDistFlag.Default(pathDevNull).String()
pewThreadsFlag := pewCommand.Flag("threads", "Build result path")
pewThreads := pewThreadsFlag.Default(strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU())).Int()
pewTagFlag := pewCommand.Flag("tag", "Log tagging")
pewTag := pewTagFlag.String()
pewVerboseFlag := pewCommand.Flag("verbose", "Show more information")
pewVerbose := pewVerboseFlag.Bool()
kernelCommand := app.Command("kernel", "Manipulate kernels")
kernelNoDownload := kernelCommand.Flag("no-download",
"Do not download qemu image while kernel generation").Bool()
kernelUseHost := kernelCommand.Flag("host", "Use also host kernels").Bool()
kernelListCommand := kernelCommand.Command("list", "List kernels")
kernelAutogenCommand := kernelCommand.Command("autogen",
"Generate kernels based on a current config")
kernelAutogenMax := kernelAutogenCommand.Flag("max",
"Download random kernels from set defined by regex in "+
"release_mask, but no more than X for each of "+
kernelDockerRegenCommand := kernelCommand.Command("docker-regen",
"Regenerate kernels config from out_of_tree_* docker images")
kernelGenallCommand := kernelCommand.Command("genall",
"Generate all kernels for distro")
genallDistroFlag := kernelGenallCommand.Flag("distro", "Distributive")
distro := genallDistroFlag.Required().String()
genallVerFlag := kernelGenallCommand.Flag("ver", "Distro version")
version := genallVerFlag.Required().String()
genCommand := app.Command("gen", "Generate .out-of-tree.toml skeleton")
genModuleCommand := genCommand.Command("module",
"Generate .out-of-tree.toml skeleton for kernel module")
genExploitCommand := genCommand.Command("exploit",
"Generate .out-of-tree.toml skeleton for kernel exploit")
debugCommand := app.Command("debug", "Kernel debug environment")
debugCommandFlag := debugCommand.Flag("kernel", "Regex (first match)")
debugKernel := debugCommandFlag.Required().String()
debugFlagGDB := debugCommand.Flag("gdb", "Set gdb listen address")
debugGDB := debugFlagGDB.Default("tcp::1234").String()
yekaslr := debugCommand.Flag("enable-kaslr", "Enable KASLR").Bool()
yesmep := debugCommand.Flag("enable-smep", "Enable SMEP").Bool()
yesmap := debugCommand.Flag("enable-smap", "Enable SMAP").Bool()
yekpti := debugCommand.Flag("enable-kpti", "Enable KPTI").Bool()
nokaslr := debugCommand.Flag("disable-kaslr", "Disable KASLR").Bool()
nosmep := debugCommand.Flag("disable-smep", "Disable SMEP").Bool()
nosmap := debugCommand.Flag("disable-smap", "Disable SMAP").Bool()
nokpti := debugCommand.Flag("disable-kpti", "Disable KPTI").Bool()
bootstrapCommand := app.Command("bootstrap", "Apparently nothing")
logCommand := app.Command("log", "Logs")
logQueryCommand := logCommand.Command("query", "Query logs")
logNum := logQueryCommand.Flag("num", "How much lines").Default("50").Int()
logRate := logQueryCommand.Flag("rate", "Show artifact success rate").Bool()
logTag := logQueryCommand.Flag("tag", "Filter tag").String()
logDumpCommand := logCommand.Command("dump",
"Show all info for log entry with ID")
logDumpID := logDumpCommand.Arg("ID", "").Required().Int()
logJSONCommand := logCommand.Command("json", "Generate json statistics")
logJSONTag := logJSONCommand.Flag("tag", "Filter tag").Required().String()
logMarkdownCommand := logCommand.Command("markdown", "Generate markdown statistics")
logMarkdownTag := logMarkdownCommand.Flag("tag", "Filter tag").Required().String()
packCommand := app.Command("pack", "Exploit pack test")
packAutogen := packCommand.Flag("autogen", "Kernel autogeneration").Bool()
packNoDownload := packCommand.Flag("no-download",
"Do not download qemu image while kernel generation").Bool()
packExploitRuns := packCommand.Flag("exploit-runs",
"Amount of runs of each exploit").Default("4").Int64()
packKernelRuns := packCommand.Flag("kernel-runs",
"Amount of runs of each kernel").Default("1").Int64()
err = checkRequiredUtils()
if err != nil {
err = checkDockerPermissions()
if err != nil {
log.Println("You have two options:")
log.Println("\t1. Add user to group docker;")
log.Println("\t2. Run out-of-tree with sudo.")
if !exists(usr.HomeDir + "/.out-of-tree/kernels.toml") {
log.Println("No ~/.out-of-tree/kernels.toml: Probably you " +
"need to run `out-of-tree kernel autogen` in " +
"directory that contains .out-of-tree.toml " +
"with defined kernel masks " +
"(see docs at https://out-of-tree.io)")
if *yekaslr && *nokaslr {
log.Fatalln("Only one of disable/enable can be used at once")
if *yesmep && *nosmep {
log.Fatalln("Only one of disable/enable can be used at once")
if *yesmap && *nosmap {
log.Fatalln("Only one of disable/enable can be used at once")
if *yekpti && *nokpti {
log.Fatalln("Only one of disable/enable can be used at once")
kcfg, err := config.ReadKernelConfig(*kcfgPath)
if err != nil {
if exists(*userKcfgPath) {
userKcfg, err := config.ReadKernelConfig(*userKcfgPath)
if err != nil {
for _, nk := range userKcfg.Kernels {
if !hasKernel(nk, kcfg) {
kcfg.Kernels = append(kcfg.Kernels, nk)
db, err := openDatabase(*dbPath)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
stop := time.Time{} // never stop
if *timeout != 0 {
stop = time.Now().Add(*timeout)
switch kingpin.MustParse(app.Parse(os.Args[1:])) {
case pewCommand.FullCommand():
err = pewHandler(kcfg, *path, *pewKernel, *pewBinary,
*pewTest, *pewGuess, stop, *qemuTimeout, *dockerTimeout,
*pewMax, *pewRuns, *pewDist, *pewTag, *pewThreads,
db, *pewVerbose)
case kernelListCommand.FullCommand():
err = kernelListHandler(kcfg)
case kernelAutogenCommand.FullCommand():
err = kernelAutogenHandler(*path, *dockerRegistry,
conf.Docker.Commands, *kernelAutogenMax,
*kernelUseHost, !*kernelNoDownload)
case kernelDockerRegenCommand.FullCommand():
err = kernelDockerRegenHandler(*kernelUseHost, !*kernelNoDownload)
case kernelGenallCommand.FullCommand():
err = kernelGenallHandler(*distro, *version,
*dockerRegistry, conf.Docker.Commands,
*kernelUseHost, !*kernelNoDownload)
case genModuleCommand.FullCommand():
err = genConfig(config.KernelModule)
case genExploitCommand.FullCommand():
err = genConfig(config.KernelExploit)
case debugCommand.FullCommand():
err = debugHandler(kcfg, *path, *debugKernel, *debugGDB,
*dockerTimeout, *yekaslr, *yesmep, *yesmap, *yekpti,
*nokaslr, *nosmep, *nosmap, *nokpti)
case bootstrapCommand.FullCommand():
fmt.Println("bootstrap is no more required, " +
"now images downloading on-demand")
fmt.Println("please, remove it from any automation scripts, " +
"because it'll be removed in the next release")
case logQueryCommand.FullCommand():
err = logHandler(db, *path, *logTag, *logNum, *logRate)
case logDumpCommand.FullCommand():
err = logDumpHandler(db, *logDumpID)
case logJSONCommand.FullCommand():
err = logJSONHandler(db, *path, *logJSONTag)
case logMarkdownCommand.FullCommand():
err = logMarkdownHandler(db, *path, *logMarkdownTag)
case packCommand.FullCommand():
err = packHandler(db, *path, *dockerRegistry, stop,
conf.Docker.Commands, kcfg, *packAutogen,
!*packNoDownload, *packExploitRuns, *packKernelRuns)
if err != nil {
if successRate(state) < *threshold {